LEEA training course enrolment form
Please note that your space on the course will only be confirmed once we have received full payment for your course.
Terms & conditions
Elegibility for training
- Trainees must be 18 years or older
- Trainees must be employed by a LEEA Member or registered with LEEA as an Individual Trainee
- Trainees must have passed the LEEA Foundation or previous Part 1 Entry course to complete an Advanced Programme.
Learning difficulties
LEEA must be informed at the time of booking if a trainee has a learning difficulty. The trainee should also inform their trainer at the start of the course. Webinar training may not be suitable for trainees who have specific needs. Depending on what assistance and accessibility arrangements are requested, we may need to see evidence of the trainee’s learning difficulty. Examples of evidence could include:
- A letter or report from a relevant medical practitioner such as a hospital consultant, psychiatrist, educational psychologist, Speech and Language therapist.
- A statement of Special Educational Needs
- An Education, Health and Care Plan
Evidence submitted to us must be dated, include details of the author (like their name and position) and specify the disability or learning difficulty. The trainee should have been at least 12 years old when the
evidence was written. The evidence should be relevant to the request (for example, if applying for a reader and no other arrangements, then results of a spelling test should not be included).
Payment terms
Payment is required in full ahead of the course start date and joining instructions will not be issued until payment is received. Please note that any courses booked within 35 days of the course start date must be paid at the time of booking, courses outside of this period can be invoiced but payment is required on receipt of the invoice or within our strict 30 day payment terms.
If you have made a booking pending payment, the below cancellation terms will still apply to this booking. No member shall re sell places on LEEA training courses to other companies or individuals. All payments should be made in Pounds Sterling net of all currency charges.
Cancellation – trainee no longer attending
If you cancel the booking or fail to show for the course, refunds will not be given. If the invoice has not been paid, or the booking is cancelled within the below policies we will invoice for the appropriate cancellation fee. Credit notes or transfers to alternative courses would be available in this event in line with our cancellation periods stated below.
Cancellation within 7 working days of the commencement of the course = 50% of the course fee.
Cancellation within 2 working days of the commencement of the course = 100% of the course fee
No substitutions are permitted for the ZOOM training programme.
Cancellation – course no longer running
LEEA reserves the right to postpone or cancel a course if the number of trainees or operational demands mean that it is not viable to run the course. LEEA will not be responsible for costs incurred due to postponement or cancellation of a course, such as lost deposits or cancellation charges for hotels and transport, etc.
Assessment results, certificates and team cards
Assessments are subject to initial marking, followed by verification. The results are processed on our database, certificates, and TEAM cards (where applicable) printed where required and prepared for dispatch. Finally, a notification of results is emailed to the nominated LEEA / Training contact of a member company or to the Individual Trainee directly. Hard copies are sent to Head Office addresses held in our database.
Force majeure
Neither LEEA, the member company or Individual Trainee shall be liable to the other for any failure to perform any part of the agreement which is due to an event beyond the control of either party, including but not limited to terrorism, war, political insurgence, strike, riot, civil unrest, act of civil or military authority, uprising, earthquake, flood or any other natural or man made eventuality which may cause the termination of the agreement.
Privacy & data protection
The LEEA privacy policy can be found here, https://leeaint.com/library/upload/documents/Website Policy/WPN 01 Website Privacy Notice Version 2 October 2018.pdf and will be required to be acknowledged and accepted before the e assessment can take place