We work alongside our vision-driven partners to promote enhanced standards and sustainable development.

The Crane Industry Council of Australia

Founded in 1980, CICA is the national peak body for the crane industry providing the opportunity for owners, marketers and end-users to come together through united efforts to represent and progress the industry rationally.

The AI Group

The Australian Industry Group (Ai Group®) is a peak national employer organisation representing traditional, innovative and emerging industry sectors. We have been acting on behalf of businesses across Australia for nearly 150 years.

Standards Australia

Standards Australia is the country’s leading independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit standards organisation.


HASANZ represents diverse organisations with a shared purpose.

A step change in workplace health and safety performance in New Zealand requires us to work collaboratively to help drive effective solutions.

Worksafe NZ

WorkSafe is New Zealand’s primary workplace health and safety regulator. Our Chief Executive Phil Parkes leads over 550 staff based across New Zealand who are working to lift health and safety performance, supporting New Zealanders to return home from work healthy and safe.

WorkSafe NT

NT WorkSafe is a division under the Department of Attorney-General and Justice responsible for assisting businesses and workers understand their obligations under work health and safety, dangerous goods, electrical safety, and rehabilitation and workers compensation in the Northern Territory.

WorkSafe QLD

WorkSafe.qld.gov.au is the official home of Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, the Electrical Safety Office, Workers’ Compensation Regulatory Services and WorkCover Queensland.

SafeWork NSW

SafeWork NSW is the state’s WHS regulator. We work with the NSW community to reduce work related fatalities, serious injuries and illnesses and make it easier to do business safely.

WorkSafe Victoria

WorkSafe Victoria is the state’s health and safety regulator and manager of Victoria’s workers compensation scheme.

SafeWork SA

SafeWork SA plays a significant role in protecting the health and safety of workers by issuing a variety of licences for the safe operation of plant, machinery and facilities’ protecting aspects of public safety.

WorkSafe WA

WorkSafe is the Western Australian Government agency responsible for the administration of the Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984.


The National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority (NOPSEMA) is Australia’s independent expert regulator for health and safety, structural (well) integrity and environmental management for all offshore oil and gas operations and greenhouse gas storage activities in Commonwealth waters, and in coastal waters where regulatory powers and functions have been conferred.

Gain a competitive advantage for your business.

LEEA members have unrivalled access to all the latest technical, legal and safety information needed to operate successfully in today's lifting industry.